Fly Tying / Beads ,Cones, Eyes & Weight / Fish Skull Sculpin Helmet

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Fish Skull Sculpin Helmet
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The Sculpin Helmet is an exciting, new style of Fish-Skull with a realistic, flat and broad profile that imitates common bottom-dwelling fish species such as sculpins, gobies, crabs and baby catfish. Designed for use on both hook and tubes. Available in Mini, Small or Large sizes. It comes in Olive or Brown colors, also Silver in the Mini size.

There are 8 helmets per pack with a full set of Living Eyes.

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Description Color Size Price Availability
Fish Skull Sculpin Helmet Olive Large $7.29 Add to Cart
Fish Skull Sculpin Helmet Silver Mini $7.29 Add to Cart

Sculpin Helmet Q&A:

Q: What is the main differences between the new Fish-Skull Sculpin Head and the Fish-Skull Baitfish Head?

A: The Sculpin Helmet has a very different profile (flat and broad), it is specifically designed to fish deeper in the water column and can be used for both hook and tube flies.

Q: Tell me more about the profile?

A: The Sculpin Helmet was designed with a realistic, flat and broad profile to imitate various types of bottom-dwelling fish species such as sculpins, gobies, salamanders and baby catfish. This profile is very different to the Fish-Skull baitfish head which has a typical minnow or baitfish shape. Fly fishermen now have more options to create streamer flies that are more targeted and species specific.

Q: How heavy is the Sculpin Helmet?

A: We have deliberately made the Sculpin Helmet significantly heavier than the Fish-Skull so that it will sink quickly in fast moving rivers and fish deeper near the bottom where Sculpins typically live. There are two sizes (Small and Large) intended to cover streamer sizes ranging from about a #6 hook size up to about 2/0.

The Mini weighs 0.55 grams (0.02 ounces) and is designed with a specially enlarged front slot to fit a wider range of hook sizes: typically in the #10, #8, #6, #4 or #2 size range. We recommend you use a minimum rod/line weight size of #4 and higher.

The Small size weighs 1.38 grams ( 0.05 ounces) and is intended for streamers typically in the #6, #4, #2, #1 hook size range. We recommend you use a minimum rod/line weight size #5/6 and higher.

The Large size weighs 2.98 grams ( 0.10 ounces) and is intended for large, heavily weighted streamers in the #2, #1, 1/0, 2/0 hook size range. We recommend you use a minimum rod/line weight size #7/8 and higher.

Q: What is the "keel?"

A: Flies tied with the Sculpin Helmet are designed to fish deep with the hook riding in the hook up position to avoid getting caught on the bottom. Therefore, the Sculpin Helmet is made so that 70% of it's weight and the center-of-gravity is situated below the shank of the hook. This heavily weight keel or bottom gives a dumbell effect to the fly which means it will always ride in the hook up position and track straight.

Q: What hooks types and sizes do you recommend?

A: Most standard down-eye or straight-eye streamer (3XL, 4XL) or bass-bug style stinger hooks with a wide gap will work very well. The front slot of the Sculpin Helmet has been made wide enough so that there should be no issue with large hook eyes not fitting.

The Mini is designed with a specially enlarged front slot to fit a wider range of hook sizes: typically in the #10, #8, #6, #4 or #2 size range. This increased flexibility in hook sizes allows the Mini to be used in a wide variety of freshwater and saltwater fly patterns.

The Small size is intended for streamers typically in the #6, #4, #2, #1 hook size range.

The Large size is intended for streamers in the #2, #1, 1/0, 2/0 hook size range. You will need to experiment to find the best hook size/fly length/helmet size ratio for your needs.

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